- Details
- Written by John W Probst
- Category: Uncategorised
- Published: 14 June 2016
- Hits: 20502
How www.shopafsfa.com Saved My Weekend
A True Story by an AFSFA Member about our web portal www.shopafsfa.com
So, there I was … facing a dilemma with my 1999 Dodge B1500 van on Wednesday morning before the Memorial Day Weekend.
My front wheel bearings were going out and I needed to replace them. Here comes the weekend and “what to do”? After a little thought, !!LightBulb!!! Maybe there’s something on www.shopafsfa.com that could be a solution!!
Well, here it is: I found the Advance Auto Store on www.shopafsfa.com AND I found the parts I needed at a good price. Since my mechanic was already lined up to do the work anyway I simply asked him how he would feel about me providing the parts. He was OK with that and said he would write on the invoice CUSTOMER SUPPLIED PARTS and complete the job. Now only thing needed was to purchase the parts. WOW!! Sixty-eight dollars and ninety-two cents ($68.92)! Do they have them in stock? How soon can I pick them up? (It’s already 10:30 PM on Wednesday night.) Immediately an answer is received: Yes, all parts in stock and are available for pick up in the morning! (If there wasn’t a such a rush to get the parts they could have been shipped to my home.)
With everything looking good I placed the order. Now … even better news...actually, WOW!!! The purchase was eligible for a discount so instead of $68.92 the price actually was $48.24!!! Purchase made and, immediately, there was an email telling me to pick up the parts in the morning.
Because I was shopping on our site, www.shopafsfa.com my cashback was $1.05 for shopping there www.shopafsfa.com. And, AFSFA also made a few pennies … all while shopping at 10:30 PM on a Wednesday night from the comfort of my study. And I didn’t even need to shop around or drive to 2 or 3 other parts suppliers. SO I saved myself time, mileage gas and everyone wins … plus I got cash back and made AFSFA a little money.
Many of you probably already shop online already … so why not continue that online shopping plus save a little more and help your association? From office supplies to auto parts … simply try it and watch your savings build. If you have any questions or need online navigation assistance let Kathy and me know. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 800 693 3031 or watch this video. AFSFA Portal Tour
For further current updates and information check you the AFSFA web site Forum area for new and improved searching methods and products.