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Security Forces men and women, welcome to your website. If you are not a member, please consider joining with the professionals of your Security Forces Association.

The Air Force Security Forces Association is a world-wide organization of Security Forces professionals with local chapters. Since its birth in 1986, it has been a significant factor in preserving and enhancing the honor and pride that are inherent in the Security Forces career field. Our membership spans generations, encompassing the military policemen (air provost marshals) of World War II and continuing over the years to the men and women who are serving their first hitch today.

Membership is open to anyone who has served honorably in the Army Air Corps MPs, Air Police, Security Police, or is now serving in the Security Forces career field--or that component of the Air National Guard, Air Force Reserves, IMAs, or DAF police officers.

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2025 BoD Mid-Year Meeting
28-29 March 2025
San Antonio, TX

39th National Meeting
20-24 August 2025
Fort Worth, TX

40th National Meeting
26-30 August 2026
Washington DC