Security Forces Foundation Scholarship Funds
Scholarship Filing Deadline 31 July Annually
The Security Forces Foundation Scholarship Funds filing period starts 1 June and runs until 31 July annually. Applicants will be able to open and download the application forms during that period. There are three funds awarding a total of ten (10) $500.00 grants yearly.
The Charles J. Heubusch Scholarship Fund
The Charles J. Heubusch Scholarship Fund was established in the memory of Colonel (ret) Charles J. Heubusch a 27-year veteran Air Police and Security Police officer who felt strongly about the importance of caring for the young, enlisted Security Police force always stressing the importance of education.
This scholarship fund is open to all enlisted, active duty, Security Forces members in the rank of E-6 and below. Their spouses are also eligible to compete for the two (2) Charles J. Heubusch Scholarship Fund $500.00 grants awarded annually. Those pursuing education in accredited community, junior and four-year university programs are eligible for these grants.
CJ Heubusch Scholarship Fund documents can be downloaded here starting 1 June annually.
The Schlussel Family Scholarship Fund
The Schlussel family established a Scholarship Fund to honor the unsung members in the Air Force Security Forces. The Schlussel family has three generations who served in various positions from the Army Air Corps to the United States Air Force. Every one of these officers felt the enlisted troops they served with were unrecognized in the overall responsibility they held. Security Forces is the single largest enlisted career-field in the Air Force and also have the most interaction with all people (military and civilian) associated with our facilities. Education is an important element for all professionals and the Schlussel family wants to enable these unrecognized Security Force members to improve themselves and thus the Air Force.
This scholarship fund is open to all enlisted, active duty, Security Forces members in the rank of E-6 and below. Their spouses are also eligible to compete for the two (2) Schlussel Family Scholarship Fund $500.00 grants awarded annually. Those pursuing education in accredited community, junior and four-year university programs are eligible for these grants.
Schlussel Family Scholarship Fund documents can be downloaded here starting 1 June annually.
Security Forces Foundation Scholarship Fund
This scholarship fund is open to all enlisted Security Forces members of the total force (active duty, Air National Guard and AF Reserve) in the rank of E-6 and below. Their spouses are eligible to compete for the six (6) Air Force Security Forces Foundation Fund $500.00 grants awarded annually. Those pursuing education in accredited community, junior and four-year university programs are eligible for these grants.
Security Force Foundation Scholarship Fund documents can be downloaded here starting 1 June annually.
The completed forms, both individual’s and commander’s, must be submitted by mail or as PDF files between 1 June and 31 July annually to:
AFSFA National Headquarters
P.O. Box 683
Helotes, TX 78023 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The selection panel for both funds consider all information provided by each applicant on the required forms. Award announcements will be released at the AFSFA National Meeting annually, on the AFSFA web site and personally to all award recipients.
All questions should be directed to AFSFA National Headquarters at: (888) 250-9876 or (210) 277-0448 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.