Policy Statement No. 2015-001

Policy Regarding Administration of AFSFA Chapter Awards Program

The Chapter of the Year competition period is 1 July to 30 June, the following year, annually. The deadline for submission of the nomination package to the AFSFA Executive Director is NLT 31 July of that following year. Late submissions cannot be accepted. 

Purpose: The AFSFA awards program is established to recognize the outstanding efforts of local chapters while bringing quality programs to AFSFA members, security forces of the active duty, reserve and guard components and retiree communities (Attachment 1 below)

Administration: A standing awards committee of five (5) Regional Directors is established to judge individual chapter award submissions. The AFSFA Vice President is responsible for oversight and administration of the committee pursuant to this document and other direction as provided by the AFSFA Executive Director and the Board of Directors. It is expected the bulk of the committee’s work will be completed electronically and independently. Award recommendations and scores will be compiled by the committee chairperson and presented to the full board for consideration at the annual Board of Director meeting.

Award Categories:

• AFSFA Chapter of the Year
o All AFSFA Chapters in good standing are eligible to compete
o Award to be announced at annual meeting banquet

• AFSFA Chapter of the Year Runner-Up
o One “Runner-Up award
o Award to be announced at annual meeting banquet

• Shamess Writing Award
o Not part of the awards committee purview; to be judged by separate sub-committee
o Award to be announced at annual meeting banquet

Awards Criteria:

• Chapter of the Year
o Sufficient chapter meetings
o Member recruitment/retention
o Activities conducted in support of members/troops/unit/service
o Activities conducted in support of AFSFA and AFSFF programs
o Publication of newsletters and websites

Award Nomination Submittals:

• Chapter of the Year: Chapter chairpersons will submit the standard three-page AFSFA Chapter of the Year Nomination Form (Download Attachment 2 below) to the Executive Director not later than 31 July each year. Chapters should include relevant information for the period July 1 to June 30 for consideration. The nomination package will be submitted electronically.

Award Nomination Judging:

• Chapter of the Year: Nomination packages will be reviewed/judged by a panel of regional directors, working independently, utilizing the point scored evaluation sheet (Download Attachment 3 below). Completed evaluations will be forwarded to the Executive Director for compilation prior to the annual meeting of the Board of Directors.

Validation: The Executive Director will compile score sheets and present a summary to the Board of Directors for their review and consideration during the annual Board of Directors meeting. The award recommendation package will be included as part of the board minutes.

Recognition/Presentation of Awards: Recognition of participating chapters and announcement of award winners will be included in the annual AFSFA meeting banquet program.

Attachment 1: AFSFA Chapter Recognition Program slides 

NEW FORM Attachment 2: AFSFA Chapter of the Year Submission Form

NEW FORM Attachment 3: AFSFA Chapter of the Year Cumulative Score Sheet